Military Veterans & The Odyssey: Bridging Millennia to Find a Way Home

Military Veterans & The Odyssey Image

How many Veterans find home is different when they return from deployment? Last Fall the Vet Center in South Burlington sponsored an unusual group giving voice to the ancient epic; we read the Odyssey as a play, sharing roles reading aloud each character’s words. This brings the story alive whether you choose to read a role or prefer listening to others and helps in accomplishing what is so central to the poem: discovering and recovering identity through community.

Our group was co-facilitated by 2 USMC Vets - Cliff Adams (Vietnam 1968-69) and John MacLean (Lebanon 1983), plus 2 support staff: Luke Parker (Dept. of Global Humanities) and Odysseus Manzi (Vet Ctr. Counselor). More than a dozen veterans and family members came together over twelve weeks to read and reflect on the story.

Members of the group are eager to share the aims, fruits, and future of our project with the Norwich Community on:

Thursday, January 25, 7 - 8:30PM
Kreitzberg Library, Multi-Purpose Room
Refreshments will be served