Scholarships, Awards & Military Benefits

We understand that affordability is a key consideration for many as they consider their college choices. We encourage you to review all of our scholarships and awards so you can understand how affordable a Norwich education can be. Norwich University awards combinations of financial aid from multiple sources under structured awarding policies. A student is awarded under the university awarding policy that will provide them with the most funding in combination.

Gift aid awarded by Norwich University may pay for tuition, fees, room and board, and other University expenses. (Unless otherwise designated in the award description.) Norwich University scholarships and grants are not tuition-specific but are intended to pay for billed charges and not external costs to the University. 

Norwich financial aid will be reduced if combinations of grants and scholarships from all sources exceed the billed charges and may be adjusted when tuition-based external awards are given. Tuition-based external awards and scholarships are taken into consideration first in awarding policies.

Students receiving tuition benefits provided by Norwich University or its partners are not eligible for additional awards from Norwich sources.

Institutional aid is subject to modification due to verification, change in billable charges, change in Expected Family Contribution (EFC), availability of federal, state, and institutional funds, changes in tuition and room and board charged by the university, satisfactory academic progress, registration status, change in lifestyle or major, eligibility for tuition remission/exchange or receipt of aid from outside sources or government agencies. Students approved to live off campus are not charged room and board; financial aid, including scholarship awards, is adjusted according to the new billed charges.

These awards are reviewed on an annual basis.

Our Complete List of Awards & Scholarships

Receive your guaranteed Academic Award immediately upon acceptance to Norwich

Eligibility: Eligibility for these awards is based on cumulative grade-point average as calculated during the admissions process. For students applying directly from high school, the awards will be calculated based on their high school grade-point average (GPA). Awards for college students who transfer for the spring semester of their first year of college will also be calculated based on their high school grade-point average. College students who transfer after the spring semester of their first year will have scholarships calculated based on their college grade-point average.

Students who do not receive outside scholarships are typically eligible for the maximum value of the academic award below. All institutional awards are subject to modification depending on the combination of awards that a student is eligible for.

Award Levels for Fall 2025 - Spring 2026

Presidential Award

Up to $30,000 per year for four years. 3.60 or greater

Provost Award

Up to $28,000 per year for four years. 3.40-3.599

Trustee Award

Up to $27,000 per year for four years.3.0-3.399

Dean’s Award

Up to $25,000 per year for four years. 2.550-2.999

Academic Recognition Award

Up to $23,000 per year for four years. Awarded for academic potential by recommendation of the Admissions Office.

ECE Scholarship ($4,000)

Any students accepted into Norwich University's Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) with a high school GPA (or college GPA for transfer students) above 3.0 are eligible to interview for the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Scholarship.

No separate application is required! All eligible students will be contacted by the chair of the ECE department and invited to interview virtually for the scholarship opportunity.

Four scholarships are available, each valued at $4,000, to be applied toward the student’s first year at Norwich.

S-STEM Scholarship ($15,000)

Funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, this scholarship provides $15,000 per year for a total of $60,000 for all four years at Norwich. NU’s S-STEM scholarships can be used to pay tuition and fees, and are offered in addition to other Norwich-funded financial aid.

Norwich University is proud to partner with the National Science Foundation to offer new students who major in one of six STEM fields (biology, biochemistry, chemistry, neuroscience, math or physics) the opportunity to compete for a National Science Foundation-funded scholarship. 

Learn about the requirements and how to get started.

Note: Students may receive one award from the Service/Leadership category. In the event a student is eligible for more than one, they will be awarded the fund which nets them the greatest total dollars. 

JROTC Leadership Award (up to $16,000)

Each Junior ROTC unit may nominate up to three students who have demonstrated exceptional performance in their JROTC unit and show leadership potential for the JROTC Leadership Award. This award has three levels, valued at $4,000 per year, for a total of $16,000 over a four-year course of study; $3,000 per year, for a total of $12,000 over a four-year course of study; and $2,000 per year, for a total of $8,000 over a four-year course of study.


Legacy Award (up to $1,000)

Any child, spouse, parent, sibling, niece/nephew, or cousin of a Norwich graduate may receive the Legacy Scholarship, valued at $1,000 toward their first year of study. Applicants must select their Legacy status on their application.

Alden Partridge Scholarship 

The Alden Partridge Scholarship is awarded to students who receive a 3-year ROTC scholarship. Norwich University will cover all costs (Tuition, Fees, Housing and Food) for the first year of enrollment which is not covered by the ROTC scholarship (student pays cost of uniform, books and medical insurance, if needed).  Please contact your Admissions Counselor for more information about this scholarship.

Naval ROTC Preparatory Award (up to full tuition and fees)

The NROTC Preparatory Award is awarded to a select group of potential midshipmen. Interested students must apply for this scholarship. This is a five-year program, with Norwich covering the first year of tuition and fees through a combination of Norwich gift aid. These students will have a four-year Navy ROTC National Scholarship reserved for them by the U.S. Navy if they complete program requirements during the first year.

Learn more about the preparatory award

Note: Students may receive one award from the Visit category. In the event a student is eligible for more than one, they will be awarded the fund which nets them the greatest total dollars. 

Future Leader Camp Award (up to $4,000)

Students who attend a Norwich University Future Leader Camp (FLC) as rising high school sophomores, juniors, or seniors may be eligible for a Future Leader Camp Scholarship valued at $1,000 each year for a total of $4,000 over four years of study.


Visit Award (up to $1,000)

Students who visit the Northfield, Vermont campus on an official Admissions visit are eligible for a $1,000 Visit Award toward their first year of study.


Virtual Visit Award  ($500)

This award is available to students who attend either an official Admissions visit virtually or attend one hour or more of Virtual Open House live sessions. Students will receive $500 toward their first year of study.  


Norwich Grants

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid  is used to determine eligibility for need-based grants from Norwich University for domestic students and estimates grant amounts from student’s state of origin if applicable. Student must show demonstrated need as defined by Federal Student Aid.

PLEASE NOTE: Norwich University Grants and Awards are funded in part by generous gifts from Norwich University alumni, family and friends. Donor and student recipients are matched based upon shared history, values, abilities and merits. Once your donor has been identified, your Norwich University Grant will be replaced with the endowed fund named in honor of the individual(s) who has committed to investing in your success here at Norwich. We hold in highest esteem those who have come before us, and in appreciation of their gift, recipients of endowed funds will be asked to compose a letter of thanks and create a profile that highlights your experiences on campus. You will also be invited to attend an award luncheon where you may network with fellow recipients and donors.

**If there are special or unusual circumstances impacting your family that you feel are not well represented on your FAFSA, please contact the Office of Financial Aid to discuss documenting this through our Special Circumstances Review process. 

Summer Research Fellowships (up to $4,800 per period)

Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis to support creative or scholarly projects. Enrolled students may apply for these faculty-mentored fellowships at either a six-week ($3,000) or 10-week ($4,8​00) commitment level. More information is available here.

Undergraduate Research Fellowships

Norwich employs undergraduate research fellows in many of our Academic Centers, to include the Center for Global Resilience and Security, the John and Mary Frances Patton Peace and War Center, the Writing Center, and the Norwich Humanities Initiative. Undergraduate Fellows earn an hourly wage while participating in high-impact educational opportunities with agencies such as NASA, the National Security Agency, the National Science Foundation, the Defense Department and the Vermont Biomedical Research Network. For more information, please contact the Office of Academic Research.

Apprentice Grants

Norwich University provides undergraduates with high-impact learning experiences and gives faculty support for specific research projects and curriculum development initiatives through the apprentice program. The goals of apprenticeships are to introduce students to professional life while developing their communication, analytical, writing and/or research skills. Apprentice Grants are awarded for a single semester, an academic year, or summer. Amounts vary based on the apprenticeship.  Enrolled students can contact the Office of Academic Research for additional information.  

Programs for Veterans and Military Service Members

Veterans Affairs education benefits are either earned by the student or transferred to the student. To start transferring benefits, the service member who earned them must apply to the Veterans Affairs Department through eBenefits. Students using Veterans Benefits (Post-9/11, Vocational Rehabilitation, etc.) are awarded financial aid under the packaging policy for which they are most eligible for the most combined funding.

Norwich University is a participating member of the Defense Department’s Yellow Ribbon Program which helps ensure veteran benefit eligible students receive full consideration for funding. Only individuals who meet the eligibility requirements are entitled to the maximum benefit rate (100% based on length of active-duty service or service-connected disability since 9/11) may receive this funding. The Yellow Ribbon match at Norwich may be applied to any program offered on the Northfield, Vermont campus as well as those online through the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Norwich University does not cap the number of participants who may receive the Yellow Ribbon Scholarship.

Students who notify Norwich of eligibility for veterans benefit funding after being notified of their initial academic scholarship and grant eligibility, will be reevaluated according to the packaging policy that in combination with other sources of financial aid provides them with the most total funding. Please refer to the general Norwich University awarding polices and the specific policies for each award provided by Norwich University. As an example, Norwich University Academic Awards may be adjusted to a level below the maximum according to the academic award policy. In all cases, combinations of aid from all sources are constrained to billable costs (tuition, fees, room and board).

Veteran Education Benefits and Yellow Ribbon Example

First year student who was initially awarded for the 22-23 year according to standard financial aid eligibility. At the time of student’s award, we were not aware of their VA benefit.Same student after they provided a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) that reflected a post-9/11 GI Bill Benefit at 100% eligibility for 24 months. Once their file was re-worked to include the benefit, their full cost of Tuition and Fees was covered. Norwich also provided a portion of the original Provost Award to help with Room & Board.
Provost Award $26,000 Ipad Award $550 Fall Webinar Award $500 Federal Unsubsidized Loan $5500 Total Aid $32,550VA Chapter 33 $26,042 VA Ribbon $11,172 NU Ribbon $11,172 Provost Award $5,394 Federal Unsubsidized Loan $5500 Total Aid $59,280

To learn more about education benefit programs for veterans and the Yellow Ribbon Program, visit the U.S. Veterans Affairs Department.

Learn more about Veterans Affairs at Norwich.

Using the Military Benefits You've Earned

The U.S. Defense Department’s Tuition Assistance (TA) program can assist with the cost of tuition for Norwich University’s online programs to eligible active duty, reserve, and National Guard personnel. The amount may not exceed $250/credit hour. You may even be able to combine TA money with funds from the GI Bill® to help offset the difference.

Norwich University directs Service members to speak with their Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within their Military Service and receive approval prior to enrollment at Norwich. Service members who are interested in using Tuition Assistance (TA) need to proceed to the appropriate website below after consulting with their Education Services Officer/Counselor and having their TA account created:

Contact Norwich University Tuition Assistance Registrar

Shaun McCaughey  
Associate Registrar
Phone: 802-485-3305   
Fax: 802-485-2533

ROTC Scholarships 

ROTC: Covers part or all of tuition and fees

Some students seek ROTC Scholarships before they attend college, which help cover all or part of tuition and fees (Army ROTC and Naval ROTC scholarships generally cover full tuition and fees. AFROTC has varying scholarship amounts). 

Room & Board: General I.D. White Scholarship

If you receive an ROTC Scholarship during enrollment periods where ROTC funding covers full tuition and fees, Norwich University provides additional aid to cover on-campus room and board charges through our General I.D. White Scholarship.

Getting Started

Students are tasked with asking questions, gathering information, and getting their name out there. Start by exploring information on the individual service branch websites. Each branch has a unique ROTC Scholarship application process. It is helpful to start the application process in your junior year of high school. If you’re not chosen straight out of high school, we encourage you to keep trying. There are plenty of chances to compete for scholarships and commissioning opportunities once college has started.

Service branches:

ROTC Scholarships and the Financial Aid Process

Students who become eligible for ROTC funding after being notified of their initial academic awards and grant eligibility will be re-awarded according to the ROTC policy. Academic awards are not retained under the ROTC policy and other awards may be modified. Federal Pell Grant-eligible students retain their Pell Grant in addition to their ROTC funding. 

Students do not retain other Norwich aid (including academic awards) in addition to the ROTC, General I.D. White and Pell Grant. 

Students whose ROTC funding covers less than the full amount of tuition and fees (Air Force ROTC) are also repackaged with consideration of their ROTC funding limitations. For more information, contact Financial Aid by email at

Full Tuition Awards Received from Outside Sources

Students receiving outside scholarships that provide funding for full tuition or full tuition and fees, are awarded a grant in the amount of room and board charges from Norwich University when residing on campus. Federal and State aid will be awarded according to regulations if the student completes a FAFSA and/or state applications. Examples of full tuition scholarships include, NSF Service Awards and SMART Scholarships.

Tuition Remission & Benefits

Students who become eligible for tuition remission or tuition benefits provided by Norwich University or its partners after being notified of their initial academic scholarship and grant eligibility, will be reevaluated according to the packaging policy for which they are most eligible. All other aid is awarded based on state and federal guidelines.

During the Admissions process, Norwich University will evaluate each master’s candidate for Norwich scholarships*. In addition, residential students will be evaluated for need-based aid to help offset the cost of on-campus housing and fees. Each candidate will be provided a financial aid letter following this evaluation that details any scholarship and/or need-based funding offered by the university. Candidates may submit competing award offers in accordance with Norwich University’s Affordability Commitment.

*On-campus graduate-level scholarships are not additive. If two or more NU-based scholarships are awarded to a student, only the highest award amount will be applied to the student’s record.

Alumni Scholarship

Norwich University alumni and their spouses, parents and children are eligible to receive our Alumni Scholarship for any of Norwich's on-campus graduate programs. The scholarship is awarded for each semester of enrollment at $850 per semester. 

Active-Duty Military Scholarship

Active-duty, guard and reserve personnel, to include honorably discharged and retired veterans, are eligible for the Military Scholarship for any of Norwich's on-campus master’s degree programs. The Military Scholarship is not transferrable to dependents. The scholarship is awarded for each semester of enrollment at $500 per semester.  

Federal Loans 

The Federal Direct Loan Program offers Unsubsidized Loans to graduate students. Unsubsidized Loans accrue interest immediately after they are disbursed; however, repayment typically begins six months after the student's last class. You can apply for Federal Loans by completing the FAFSA. For more information, visit the Federal Student Aid website.

Outside scholarships are offered through a variety of foundations/agencies that we hope will also be of assistance. This is by no means an all-inclusive list.

Vermont National Guard Tuition Benefit (

The Vermont National Guard offers scholarships to active-duty members who meet their eligibility criteria. Norwich students can complete their Drill weekends on campus, without having to find transportation to a unit elsewhere. Students in the National Guard also receive training slots that allow training to be completed over the summer.

Vermont Nursing Workforce Incentive Loan Program

Interest-free and forgivable

The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) and the Vermont Department of Health have teamed up to offer a program that covers up to $16,280 to qualified recipients pursuing a nursing career in Vermont.

Vermont Teacher Forgivable Loan Program

Funded by the Vermont Legislature, the Vermont Teacher Forgivable Loan Program covers up to $16,280 (which may also cover room, board, books and supplies) for qualified recipients enrolled in a program that leads to a degree or certificate in education and a teaching license with an emphasis on encouraging Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Color, new Americans, and other historically underrepresented communities.

Funding is awarded to qualifying applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds have been depleted.

Citizen's Bank Scholarship Program 

Citizens wants to honor the dedication of students and families pursuing higher learning. Complete the registration form to be entered for a chance to win a Grand Prize of $15,000 to use towards school expenses and one of the $2,500 monthly prizes for use towards school expenses. Additionally, each quarter a student who meets the required criteria for the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Scholarship Prize will be eligible to win a $2,500 quarterly prize for use towards school expenses.

Department of Defense SMART Program

SMART offers scholarships for undergraduate, master's and doctoral students pursuing a STEM degree.


Students interested in or majoring in computer science.


Full-time students majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Material Science, who are members (or descendants of members) of a Native American tribe.

Sallie Mae Completing the Dream Scholarship

The Sallie Mae Fund, in partnership with Thurgood Marshall College Fund, is again providing 200 Completing the Dream Scholarships to help students from underserved communities complete their higher education. Applications will be accepted until all $500,000 in scholarship funds are awarded or on December 6, 2024.

Eligible students must be on track to complete their program during the academic year 2024-2025 at a two-or four-year college, career training, and other post-secondary education programs and maintain good academic standing.

Apply today at Completing the Dream Scholarship Program | The Sallie Mae Fund.

Scholly® Scholarships by Sallie

Scholarship search tool.

SME Education Foundation

High school seniors, undergraduates and graduate students pursuing degrees in manufacturing or engineering.

Sports Gear Swag

Offering a one-time scholarship reward of $1,000 to one outstanding university student. The scholarship requires students to create and submit a 500-word essay describing The Benefits of Playing Sports Competitively.

CodeWizardsHQ Educational Scholarship

Offering $2,500 to High school seniors and incoming college freshmen, 3.5 GPA or higher. Priority is given to STEM program applicants.

Application requirements: 
Students will need to submit proof of eligibility (FAFSA, proof of income, or tax return), a recommendation letter, a 600-word statement of purpose, a resume, and an unofficial transcript, with the option to submit a 2-minute video.

Apply through the CodeWizardsHQ scholarship application.

Students may access a number of nationally available private scholarship opportunities at and

Education Matters Scholarship by Unigo

Amount: $5,000 
Apply by: November 30 
Who’s eligible: Requires current or pending enrollment in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher education. 
Application requirements: 250-word (or less) essay answering the question: “What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn’t matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?” Create a free account on Unigo to apply.

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Scholarships

Amount: $1,000–$7,000
Apply by: March and April deadlines
Who’s eligible: HOSA student members pursuing a healthcare career in a variety of fields, including dental/dental hygiene, numerous allied health professions, occupational therapist, public health, and more.
Award details: Several scholarships ranging from $1,000–$7,000
Application requirements: Join Tallo, a job site for minority and underrepresented populations, as directed on the scholarship page on the HOSA website and create a free profile to search for HOSA scholarships. Apply for individual scholarships.

Tylenol Future Care Scholarship

Amount: $5,000 and $10,000
Apply by: June 27
Who’s eligible: Applicants must be a resident of the 50 United States, Puerto Rico or Washington, D.C. They must be a graduate student or a college senior who will be enrolling in graduate school during the following academic year. Must have proof of enrollment in medical school or a graduate program in nursing or pharmacy.
Award details: 25 awards of $5,000 and 10 awards of $10,000
Application requirements: Application opens May 1 online with a deadline of June 27. Applicants are evaluated based on college GPA, academic records, community involvement, and an essay.

Stokes Scholarship Program

The Stokes Scholarship Program is a financial needs-based scholarship providing college tuition assistance up to $25,000 (for STEM majors) or $18,000 (for non-STEM majors) per academic year for tuition, mandatory fees, and books. Undergraduate students, serving as scholarship recipients with CIA, attend an accredited college/university on a full-time basis and work during summer breaks at the Agency. While working at CIA, you will be exposed to real intelligence challenges while performing meaningful work that relates to your college major. An IT major, for example, might be given increasingly complex projects involving sophisticated computer systems. An engineering major might help produce a piece of state-of-the-art equipment. A finance major could be involved in developing and analyzing budgets for a worldwide operation, while a foreign language major might be instrumental in translating documents for U.S. policymakers. An international relations major might brief a senior policymaker and, as a final example, a human resources major could have the opportunity to develop and implement personnel policies and procedures. 

Because CIA invests in scholarship recipients, accepting an offer means continued employment with the Agency for a specified timeframe. You are required to work at the Agency after college graduation for a period equal to 1.5 times the length of the college sponsorship you received from CIA. Students who leave earlier are required to reimburse the U.S. Government for their tuition. All positions require relocation to the Washington, DC area during summer work tours.

The NCAA needs your help in sharing scholarship opportunities with your student-athletes

Why it matters: These scholarships, totaling $2.6 million, provide financial support to over 350 individuals annually. They are crucial for student-athletes pursuing further education after their athletics-related financial aid has been exhausted.

Walter Byers Graduate Scholarship: One male and one female student-athlete awarded $24,000 for outstanding academic achievement and potential for future leadership.
Jim McKay Graduate Scholarship: One male and one female student or student-athlete awarded $10,000 for excellence in sports communication or public relations.
Ethnic Minority and Women’s Enhancement Graduate Scholarship: $10,000 awarded to 13 ethnic minorities and 13 female graduates entering sports administration or related fields.
Postgraduate Scholarship: $10,000 awarded three times a year for each sport season. Each sport season, there are 21 scholarships available for men and 21 scholarships available for women for use in an accredited graduate program.
Important: For the Jim McKay, Walter Byers and Postgraduate scholarships, student-athletes must be nominated by their faculty athletics representative. Conversely, those interested in the Ethnic Minority and Women’s Enhancement Graduate Scholarship must apply themselves.
Key dates:
Applications for the Walter Byers, Jim McKay, and Postgraduate scholarships close on Jan. 10.
The Ethnic Minority and Women’s Enhancement Graduate Scholarship application window closes Feb. 3.

What’s next: Direct student-athletes to the scholarship information or the scholarships and grants page.

For questions, contact Lori Thomas at

AIA St. Louis Scholarship Fund

The AIA St. Louis Scholarship Fund is accepting applications for the upcoming 2025-2026 academic year. This fund offers opportunities for students that are born or raised in the St. Louis region and are studying architecture in their third, fourth and fifth year, or graduate work at a National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) school of architecture.

Footsteps to Your Future Scholarship – KURU Footwear

The Footsteps to Your Future Scholarship has been established to support and empower students in their pursuit of academic and professional excellence. The winner will receive a one-time $1,000 scholarship to be applied to qualified expenses, including undergraduate tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room and board for the 2025-2026 academic year. Applications are now being accepted.

Distance Education Aid Opportunities

Online Students at the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies

Students obtaining degrees in our online degree programs are considered for a variety of scholarship awards based on their admission application through the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Campus-based students who transfer to an online program will have their aid repackaged per online program aid policy. Merit Awards and Norwich-funded Grants are not transferrable toward online coursework. Learn more about the scholarships available for online degree completion and graduate studies.