Citylab History and Political Science Majors
Explore the history, politics, and culture of Europe.
Students majoring in History, Political Science, or Studies in War and Peace can study significant political and world-historical conflicts through firsthand visits to key sites and institutions in the exciting, diverse, historically rich and politically active city of Berlin. The Citylab: Berlin program grounds the study of social sciences in the physical structures and locations where events took place, and its interdisciplinary approach allows students the freedom to explore important concepts through art and architecture as well as traditional social science methodologies. Through a deep engagement with the city of Berlin as well as planned excursions to places like Venice, Paris, or Rome, urban spaces become a “lab” for new discoveries and insights into key problems affecting the human condition.
A student in this program will typically enroll in a mix of upper-level history and political science courses as well as beginning or intermediate German. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of the expertise of local faculty by taking a fine arts, visual arts, or business course.
CURRICULUM (15 credits):
- Berlin: Inventing the Modern City (HI 361 or PO 300: 3 credits)
- Structures of Power: Germany 1500 – present (HI 361 or PO 300: 3 credits)
- Nazi Germany and the Holocaust (HI 329: 3 credits)
- German Language (GR 150 or GR 205 or GR 3XX: 3 credits)
- One elective (3 credits)
See below for course descriptions.