Elizabeth (Ellie) Doody

When I was making my college decision, I was on the fence about Norwich because I didn't know whether or not it would be the right fit. However, when I toured the college I fell in love with the atmosphere and the people I met along the way.
1. During your time at Norwich, have you participated in any student clubs/organizations? If so, which ones and why? (What do you like most about it? What’s fun/interesting about it? etc.): I'm a member of the Student Nurses Association (SNA) and the Ultimate Frisbee team at Norwich. Both clubs have only improved my experience at Norwich. The SNA has strengthened my academic skills in and out of the classroom and the Ultimate Frisbee team has allowed me to have fun with friends outside of the classroom.
2. What influenced your decision to attend Norwich University? Why did you choose Norwich?: When I was making my college decision, I was on the fence about Norwich because I didn't know whether or not it would be the right fit. However, when I toured the college I fell in love with the atmosphere and the people I met along the way. Then paired with great academics and financial aid coverage, I knew this was the right choice for me.
3. Why did you choose your major? What do you love about your field of study?: Nursing has been an integral part of my life for a long time. Some of my relatives have been, or are currently, nurses and this let me gain some insight into the field. Although nursing can be daunting, especially nursing school, there are so many great opportunities in becoming a nurse.
4. How has your Norwich experience contributed to your success in the program?: The friends I have met at Norwich have been one of the most important factors in staying at the school. Some of the people you meet at Norwich could become lifelong friends, and you won't know until you are in the middle of those relationships with other students.
5. What unique opportunities have you had in your time/program at Norwich? (Research, leadership positions, internships, fellowships, networking, study abroad/away, service opportunities, etc.) What have you taken away from it?: As a nursing student, I attend clinical rotations at different hospitals in the area and some farther away as well. The interesting part about experiencing clinical rotations in different environments is that you can see so many different populations and hone in on so many different skills because of this. I think I have learned so much more by doing this than just learning at one hospital.
6. What’s the biggest challenge you faced during your college career and how did you overcome it?: Academics have been the biggest challenge for me so far. It can be really hard to balance your social and academic life. Which is why I set a schedule for myself. I would try to plan out my week to see what I needed to get done and then do everything important before I hung out with friends. This helped a lot because then I wouldn't forget any assignments and would have plenty of time to hang out with friends.
7. What are your post-graduation plans? Career, military, grad school?: After graduation, I'm going to work as a nurse. Hopefully in the specialty I pick, but I wont know until I get there!
8. Where’s your favorite place to study or hang out on campus? Why?: The library and Mack Hall have been great places to study and get some work done. Other than those places, there are a ton of other spots on campus where students can go and work on some assignments.
9. In your free time, what do you enjoy doing on campus or in Vermont?: The campus activities board plans a lot of events for students on campus that we can participate in, but my friends and I like to spend as much time outside as possible. Whether that be swimming in the warmer months, or skiing in the colder ones, there are plenty of activities in Vermont.
10. What is one thing a student should do or experience at Norwich before they graduate?: Hike Paine Mountain. It's almost like a right of passage but is highly encouraged. You will go up to a valley on the mountain your first year, but going all the way to the top is a great hike and quite an accomplishment!