Aron Temkin
- Associate Provost for Online Learning
- Dean of the College of Professional Schools
- Professor
Aron Temkin is the Associate Provost for Online Learning, Dean of the College of Professional Schools, and Professor of Architecture. His research has explored digital modeling as a tool for design refinement, and animation as a device for the temporal analysis of space. His scholarship includes design delineation and design pedagogy. His professional and scholarly work has been exhibited and published both nationally and internationally.
Temkin is a past president of the Association of Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), the leading digital design research organization in North America. He received degrees from Carnegie Mellon University and the Cranbrook Academy of Art and began his academic career as a visiting professor at Carnegie Mellon. He then moved to Florida Atlantic University (FAU), where he helped establish FAU’s School of Architecture and in 2005 became its director, a position he held until 2010 when he joined the faculty at Norwich.
M.Arch, Cranbrook Academy of Art
B.Arch, Carnegie Mellon University
Courses Taught
AP 558 Contemporary and Global Issues