Josh Prue

Joshua Prue

  • Lecturer


Josh Prue has been teaching at Norwich since 2018. Since 2021, he has been in the dual role of CASA Math II Specialist and Math Lecturer. In recent years, he taught Statistics and classes from the Calculus sequence and has also tutored students in almost every math class offered on campus.

Before joining the Norwich Mathematics Department, Dr. Prue worked as a High School Teacher, Apiarist, Logger, Bar Manager, and an NSF Research Fellow. He holds a B.S. from Columbia University in the City of New York and a Sc.M. from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.  Both of his degrees are in Applied Mathematics and his research is in the field of Differential Geometry as it applies to Physical Cosmology.


B.S. Columbia University

Sc.M. Brown University

Courses Taught

MA 232 Introductory Statistics 

MA 121 Calculus I

MA 122 Calculus II