David Ebenstein
- Senior Lecturer
David Ebenstein received his B.A. in zoology from the University of Vermont and his M.S. in biology from the University of Southern California.
Comparative analysis of the skim milk and milk fat globules membrane proteomes produced by Jersey cows grazing pastures with different plant species diversity. Scuderi RA, Lam Y-W, Ebenstein DB, Tacoma R, Cersosimo L, Kraft J, Brito A, and Greenwood SL. J Dairy Sci.103 (8): 7498-7508. 2020
Inclusion of grape marc in dairy cattle rations alters the bovine milk proteome. Scuderi RA, Ebenstein DB, Lam Y-W, Kraft J and Greenwood SL. J Dairy Res 86, 154–161. 2019.
Exploration of the bovine colostrum proteome and effects of heat treatment time on colostrum protein profile. R. Tacoma, S.L. Gelsinger, Y.W. Lam, R.A. Scuderi, D.B. Ebenstein, A.J. Heinrichs, and S.L. Greenwood. J. Dairy Sci. 100 (11): 9392-9401. 2017.
Ratio of dietary rumen degradable protein to rumen undegradable protein affects nitrogen partitioning but does not affect the bovine milk proteome produced by mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows. R. Tacoma, J.Fields, D.B. Ebenstein, Y.W. Lam, and S.L. Greenwood. J. Dairy Sci. 100 (9): 7246-7261. 2017.
Characterization of the bovine milk proteome in early-lactation Holstein and Jersey breeds of dairy cows. Rinske Tacoma, Julia Fields, David B. Ebenstein, Ying-Wai Lam, and Sabrina L. Greenwood. J Proteom 130 (1): 200-210. 2016.
Increased palmitate intake: higher acylcarnitine concentrations without impaired progression of β-oxidation. C. Lawrence Kien, Dwight E. Matthews, Matthew E. Poynter, Janice Y. Bunn, Naomi K. Fukagawa, Karen I. Crain, David B. Ebenstein, Emily K. Tarleton, Robert D. Stevens, Timothy R. Koves, and Deborah M. Muoio. J Lipid Res 56 (9): 1795-1807. 2015.
Lipodomic evidence that lowering the typical dietary palmitate to oleate ratio in humans decreases the leukocyte production of proinflammatory cytokines and muscle expression of redox-sensitive genes. C. Lawrence Kien, Janice Y. Bunn, Naomi K. Fukagawa, Vikas Anathy, Dwight E. Matthews, Karen I. Crain, David B. Ebenstein, Emily K. Tarleton, Richard E. Pratley, and Matthew E. Poynter. J Nutr Biochem 26: 1599-1606. 2015.
Substituting dietary monounsaturated fat for saturated fat is associated with increased daily physical activity and resting energy expenditure and with changes in mood. Kien CL, Bunn JY, Tompkins CL, Dumas JA, Crain CI, Ebenstein DB, Koves TR, Muoio DM. Am J Clin Nutr, 97 (4): 689-697, 2013.
Determination of steady state protein breakdown rate in vivo by the disappearance of protein-bound tracer labeled amino acids: A method applicable in human research. Holm L, O’Rourke B, Ebenstein D, Toth M, Bechshoeft R, Holstein-Rathlou N-H, Kjaer M, and Matthews D. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 304: E895–E907, 2013.
Sex-related differences in methionine metabolism and plasma homocysteine concentrations. Fukagawa NK, Martin JM, Wurthmann A, Prue AH, Ebenstein D, O'Rourke B. Am J Clin Nutr, 72 (1):22-29, 2000.
Mass spectrometric methods for determination of [13C]Leucine enrichment in human muscle protein. Balagopal P, Ford GC, Ebenstein DB, Nadeau DA, Nair KS. Anal Biochem, 239 (1):77-85, 1996.
High-performance liquid chromatographic technique for non-derivatized leucine purification: evidence for carbon isotope fractionation. Baumann PQ, Ebenstein DB, O'Rourke BD, Nair KS. J Chromatography, 573 (1):11-16, 1992.
Most of his research career has revolved around the use of stable isotopes to answer metabolic questions. His technical interests include microscopy, high-performance liquid chromatography, and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. His other interests include hiking, skiing, and zymurgy.