Robert Poodiack
- Homer L. Dodge Professor
Dr. Poodiack has been at Norwich University since 1999. He won the Homer L. Dodge Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2005. He served as Chair of the Department of Mathematics from 2013 to 2019, and again from 2021 to 2023. Poodiack primarily teaches calculus-related courses, including all the courses in Norwich’s calculus sequence and Advanced Calculus I and II (Real Analysis), Vector Analysis, and Complex Analysis. He has also taught the "Mathematics as a Liberal Art" sequence, Mathematical Modeling and Computation, Theory of Computation, and Algebraic Structures.
His research is in analysis, and his current focus is generalized trigonometric functions and evaluating related integrals and series. Poodiack is also passionate about math-related technology and enjoys programming new software to make applets that help his students understand difficult concepts.
Ph.D. 1999, University of Vermont
M.A. 1994, Western Connecticut State University
B.S. 1988, Cornell University
Awards and Grants
Homer L. Dodge Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2005.
Courses Taught
MA 122 Calculus II
MA 224 Differential Equations
MA 241 Mathematical Computation and Modeling
Poodiack, R. D. & Wood, W. E. (2022). Squigonometry: The study of Imperfect Circles. Springer.
Poodiack, R. D. (2016). Squigonometry, Hyperellipses, and supereggs. Mathematics Magazine, 89(2), 92–102.
Poodiack, R. D. & LeClair, K. J. (2009). Fundamental theorems of algebra for the perplexes. The College Mathematics Journal, 40(5), 322–336.