Yangmo Ku

Yangmo Ku

  • Associate Director, Peace and War Center
  • Chair, Department of History and Political Science
  • Associate Professor

Ku’s research focuses on North/South Korean politics, East Asian security, U.S. foreign policy, and the politics of memory and reconciliation in East Asia and Europe.


Yangmo Ku received his B.A. in German language and literature from Sogang University in Seoul and earned his M.A. in international affairs and Ph.D. in political science from George Washington University. He taught in the School of International Service at American University before moving to Norwich in July 2012. Since then, he has taught various courses, including Asian politics, U.S.-China relations, international organizations, international relations, comparative politics, and a senior seminar course—U.S., China, and Russia. He also works as associate director of the Peace & War Center at Norwich while serving as editor of the Journal of Peace and War Studies (JPWS).

Ku’s research focuses on North/South Korean politics, East Asian security, U.S. foreign policy, and the politics of memory and reconciliation in East Asia and Europe. His co-authored book, titled Politics in North and South Korea: Political Development, Economy, and Foreign Relations, was published by Routledge in 2018. 

He is working on another book project, titled Historical Justice, Reconciliation, and Peace: The Role of Agents in Coming to Terms with the Past in Japan and Germany. His previous research has also appeared in numerous journals, including the Journal of East Asian Studies, Asian Perspective, Pacific Focus, Asian Journal of Peacebuilding, Korean Journal of International Studies, and the Yale Journal of International Affairs, as well as in five edited volumes on memory and reconciliation, Korean politics, and North Korean nuclear weapons. He is often invited to teach intensive lectures on the denuclearization of North Korea and the politics of the Korean Peninsula to U.S. federal government workers.