Kathryn Warrender-Hill

  • Director, Writing Center
  • Assistant Professor


Professor Warrender-Hill’s expertise lies in Rhetoric and Composition where she studies the relationship between writing processes and technology. Drawing from theories such as distributed cognition, activity theory, and writing process pedagogy, she specifically investigates how digital and non-digital composing tools facilitate and hinder the writing process. Her other areas of interest include multimodal composition pedagogies, writing center pedagogies, and creative non-fiction essay writing.


Ph.D. English, Rhetoric and Composition, University of Connecticut
M.A. English, Rhetoric and Composition, University of Connecticut
B.A. English and Psychology, University of Vermont


Research Interests and Expertise

Professor Warrender-Hill’s expertise lies in Rhetoric and Composition where she studies the relationship between writing processes and technology. Drawing from theories such as distributed cognition, activity theory, and writing process pedagogy, she specifically investigates how digital and non-digital composing tools facilitate and hinder the writing process. Her other areas of interest include multimodal composition pedagogies, writing center pedagogies, and creative non-fiction essay writing. 

Courses Taught

EN 110 Writing and Inquiry in Public Contexts
EN 111 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts
EN 204 Professional and Technical Writing 


Article: "Expanding Writing Center Space-Time: Tutoring Modality, Access, and Equity," Winter 2023, The Peer Review

Book Chapter: “Turning Stories From the Writing Center into Useful Knowledge: Writing Centers, WID Programs, and Partnerships for Change,” 2017, Writing Program, Collaborations, and Partnerships: Working Across Boundaries.

Creative Work: “Yes, Another Pandemic Story: A Meditation on Sanity.” Spring 2021, Long River Review