Kevin Fleming

Kevin Fleming

  • Chair, Department of Psychology and Education
  • Professor


Kevin Fleming joined the Norwich faculty in 2006. A Cognitive Psychologist, he earned his B.A. at Lehigh University and completed his M.A. and Ph.D. work at the University of New Hampshire. Dr. Fleming's research interests include cognitive models of attention applied to reading, language, stereotyping, aviation, surgical interventions, and psychopathology, focusing on dual-process models with automatic and controlled processes. Eye-tracking and ERPs are used to separate these underlying mechanisms of attention. He is currently engaged in a 1.5 million dollar, three-year, USAF-DARPA grant to study pilot cognition and physiology during simulated F-16 flights. Dr. Fleming teaches laboratory-based courses on flight simulation and Aviation Psychology.


Ph.D. University of New Hampshire
M.A. University of New Hampshire
B.A. Lehigh University  

Courses Taught

PY 344 Cognition
PY 360 History and Systems of Psychology
PY 263 Perception


Boonipat, T., Hebel, B. S., Shapiro, D., Stotland, M. A., & Fleming, K. K. (2023). Impact of Surgical Rejuvenation on Visual Processing and Character Attribution of Faces.  Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, In Press.

Kimble, M., Cappello, O., & Fleming, K., (2023). Hypervigilance and depression as predictors of eye tracking to ambiguous pictures in trauma survivors.  International Journal of Psychophysiology, 187, 27-33.

Fleming, K. (2021). Grit as a predictor of academic success at Norwich University.  Handbook of Research on Character and Leadership Development in Military Schools.  Edited by M. P.  Ryan & T. L. Weekes, IGI Global; Hershey, PA.