Our strong emphasis on field studies, outdoor experience, and hands-on problem solving gives graduates solid field and laboratory skills that they use to solve Earth-related problems in industry, graduate school, government, and the military.
About the Program
Geology/Earth Science is the investigation of modern and ancient Earth’s physical and chemical processes and their submicroscopic- to planetary-scale products and events. Earth scientists study the planet’s mountain ranges, continents, oceans, and landforms, and it’s internal structure and motion. We address such basic societal needs as the exploration and management of water and mineral resources, sustainable development of energy, and natural hazard prediction.
Students are involved in a small and vibrant learning community with professors that are both respected teachers and active researchers in New England, arctic Canada, Europe, the South Pacific, and the southwestern U.S. All students have the opportunity to travel to the desert southwest and across the northeast on program-sponsored trips. Each student conducts original research in collaboration with a faculty member, starting the student on the path to scientific investigation in the professional world. The job market in Earth Science is strong and the opportunity for travel, exploration, and adventure is high.