History, Pride, and Military Tradition


Norwich Corps of Cadets in formation on Sabine Field.

Your Journey Starts Here

Captain Alden Partridge (1785–1854) probably did more than any other individual to promote military education in civilian institutions in the United States before the Civil War. He founded Norwich University in 1819 and, in doing so, established the “American System of Education” – a traditional liberal arts curriculum with instruction in civil engineering and military science. The system of education is still the foundation for many colleges and universities around the world.

...over 100 Army generals, 12 Air Force generals, nine Marine Corps generals, and 16 Navy admirals

Since its founding, over 130 graduates of Norwich University have served as general officers in the U.S. armed forces, including over 100 Army generals, 12 Air Force generals, nine Marine Corps generals, and 16 Navy admirals. In addition, 26 graduates served as generals in foreign armies: nine Royal Thai Army generals, one Royal Thai Air Force general, and 16 Republic of China Army generals. 



Birthplace of the ROTC


#1 AROTC Unit in the Nation

Top 10

Top 10 Producer of Military Officers in the U.S.

With its long history in military education, Norwich has established many firsts:

  • Norwich University was one of the first military colleges to successfully introduce civilian students onto its campus.
  • Norwich was the first of all private military colleges in the nation.
  • Norwich was the birthplace of ROTC.
  • Norwich was one of the first military colleges to accept women.

Norwich embraces the attitude of our “I Will Try” motto in every chosen challenge. When you fall, you will learn, and your community will pick you up. When you try again, you will succeed and defy your own expectations.

Building On 200+ Years Of Tradition

BG William F. McCollough, VSM, Commandant and Vice President for Student Affairs, Norwich Class of 1991 and C/1SG Matthew S. Ober '26 shaking hands in front of the Norwich University logo

Commandant Announces Regimental Commander for AY 2025-26

BG William F. McCollough, VSM, Commandant and Vice President for Student Affairs, Norwich Class of 1991, has announced that Cadet First Sergeant Matthew S. Ober '26 will serve as the Regimental Commander for the academic year 2025-26. This position is the highest rank among cadets in the Corps.

Cadets participating in the Norwich University Legacy March, marching on a road surrounded by trees and fallen leaves

Honoring the past, benefiting the present – 2024 Legacy March

Undertaking a hike through quaint localities and historic covered bridges is not merely the honoring of an institutionally significant moment or an educational exploration of nature, but also serves as a fundraiser for The Veterans’ Place – a Northfield-based transition home and support center for homeless veterans.