Air Force and Space Force (AFROTC)

AFROTC at Norwich University forges premier leaders of character and action to lead and serve in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force.
Air Force ROTC Option
There are numerous opportunities to excel and achieve your future career through active involvement in AFROTC. Cadets will compete for academic scholarships, receive specialized military training and leadership development, improve and maintain fitness, evolve professionally and participate in team-driven experiences.
U.S. Space Force Option
The USSF was established on Dec. 20, 2019, with the signing of the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This historic signing solidified the USSF as the sixth branch of the U.S. armed services. The USSF still falls within the U.S. Air Force and remains the responsibility of the secretary of the Air Force.
If you are interested in becoming an officer in the USSF, you will be given the opportunity to compete for a commission in the Space Force if qualified through membership in AFROTC at Detachment 867.
Air Force and Space Force (AFROTC)

AF/SF ROTC Highly Desired Majors - NU Has You Covered
Scholarships are merit-based, therefore students pursuing a technical major tend to receive priority in the selection process. With a variety of technical majors, and our DoD-sponsored Cyber Institute, Norwich will help you achieve your goals.
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Civil Air Patrol @ Norwich / 5 Years/144 Cadets/$5,000 Scholarship
In the past five years, Norwich University has issued 144 $5,000 Civil Air Patrol scholarships to 144 Civil Air Patrol cadets, a number that continues to grow. You may be next.
U.S. Air Force ROTC students at Norwich University leverage strong ties with the Civil Air Patrol, which runs annual summer academies on campus. In the past decade, Norwich has enrolled two of the Civil Air Patrol’s highest achievers, recipients of the Gen. Carl A. Spaatz Award. awarded to less than 0.5% of all cadets.
To learn more CAP at Norwich, read our stories.
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Strategic Partnerships Abound
What does a Neurocognitive Metrics Research Lab have to do with Air Force and Space Force ROTC? At Norwich, a whole lot. Through joint DARPA and NUARI funding, a new six-station flight simulator lab has been set up to both train and study the impacts on cadets. Be part of this unique, hands-on, leading-edge experiential learning at Norwich.
Video Highlights from Spring 2023
Meet Our Cadets and Graduates

Cadet Zoha Alam ’24
"Norwich University's AFROTC has shown the many opportunities to careers within the Air Force...AFROTC has instilled pride with in me and has taught me how I can put service before myself. I joined AFROTC to serve my nation for all it has done for my family."

Cadet Harrison Preston’ 23
"I was informed of Norwich’s AFROTC program in high school, and once I visited, I knew it was the place for me. I had always wanted to live a life that revolved around helping people; I always took pride in knowing I was able to make someone’s day better. It has been my goal all throughout my time at Norwich to commission as an Air Force officer because I know I can live a life serving and helping the American people."

Elizabeth Scalf '23
“I came in thinking I want to be an officer in the U.S. Air Force. I was an active cadet in U.S. Air Force ROTC program for my first year at Norwich; I went inactive (during) the Study Away program, which let me have an internship with Customs and Border Protection in Washington, D.C. After this internship, I decided to go non-pursuing, but still have the (option) to go to Officer Training School after graduating. … I am now pursuing a job in a ‘three-letter’ agency or in the private sector once I graduate.”