The minor in philosophy provides a chance to engage in open-ended, critical thinking about basic ideas in ethics, politics, religion and science, both in relation to current debates and as they have developed since the beginnings of philosophy in ancient Greece.
About the Program
Philosophy originally meant the pursuit of any sort of knowledge or wisdom. During the 2,000 years since its inception in ancient Greece, philosophy has gradually divided into more specialized academic disciplines, each with its own subject matter and evolving methods of inquiry. Today, philosophy seeks to clarify the boundaries, fundamental assumptions and relationships of the natural and social sciences, as well as mathematics, law, medicine and theology. Philosophers are also concerned with the logical norms implied in clear and critical thinking and the ethical norms involved in problems of personal and political behavior.
Norwich’s Philosophy program offers courses in logic and general ethics, the applied ethics of various professions (medicine and nursing, business, the military, criminal justice and environmental studies), and a four-semester sequence on the history of philosophy. For a minor in philosophy, a student must complete six courses in philosophy with a grade of “C” or better.