Kylie Blodgett
- Assistant Professor
Kylie Blodgett is a Certified Health Education Specialist. She has conducted quantitative and qualitative research on exercise endocrinology, nutritional biochemistry, and health behavior. She is currently researching the interactions between social environment and eating behaviors on college campuses. She is passionate about understanding the integration of psychology and physiology in the manifestations of health and behavior. As her students will tell you, she is incredibly excited about how the body works and makes a point to discuss the importance of health and social psychology in college populations and how that may affect human physiology and overall health and wellness.
Her current research focuses on assessing the physiological, behavioral, and social needs of students at Norwich University and developing and implementing interventions to improve resilience, stress management, and mental and physical health. Blodgett is passionate about teaching, and making science and research accessible for students as they prepare for work in allied health and exercise fields. She teaches a one-credit course, "Resilient Bodies", offered to all Norwich students, which builds social, emotional, and physical self-regulation skills. She also teaches courses within the Department of Health and Human Performance focusing on Research Methods, Epidemiology, Health Promotion, Nutrition, and Exercise Physiology.
Ph.D. Health Education and Promotion, Walden University
M.S. Nutritional Sciences, University of New Hampshire
M.S. Kinesiology, University of Michigan
B.S. Biology, Norwich University
Courses Taught
HHPR 139 Research Methods
HHPR 200 Foods and Nutrition
HHPR 212 Health Promotion
Pojednic RM, Thornton M, Blodgett KR, Joseph R, & Kennedy M. (2023). Nutrition interventions on muscle-related components of sarcopenia in females: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Calcified Tissue International (in press).