Meet Our Student Bloggers - Leah Mancera

By Leah Mancera

Leah Mancera is a psychology major and taking three minors: communications biology, and neuroscience! She is a work-study student for the Center for Career Readiness (CCR), an Esports player, and a member of Silver Wings (SW). Keep reading to learn more about Leah's active life as a Norwich student.

Coming from a medical high school I thought I’d pursue a psychology major at Norwich University to later go into the field of clinical psychiatry. However, with the help of my work-study at the Center for Career Readiness (CCR) alongside my favorite club and national organization, Silver Wings (SW), I’ve realized my passion for graphic design and public affairs. 

My name is Leah Mancera, and I’m a few things: a civilian, sophomore, career ambassador, region I public affairs officer, and esports team member.

Photo of Leah Mancera, student blogger and psychology major.
Meet Leah Mancera, '27, Psychology, Esports

I’m currently pursuing three minors: communications, biology, and neuroscience – and I’m going to pick up a writing minor next fall. Whenever I mention this people always ask why, and, honestly, I just don’t see why not. I feel like I always have too much free time, so every academic year I pick up something new. Freshman year it was Silver Wings, sophomore year it was joining esports, and next year I’m hoping to join the National Staff (NATSTAFF). These are the people in charge of putting together an annual multi-day conference for the Arnold Air Society and SW members to discuss the organization’s legislation.

Before Norwich University I had never gone more than an hour or two away from my hometown of San Antonio, Texas. I came here for new beginnings, the mountains, and all the beautiful seasons Vermont has to offer; seeing snow and fall colors for the first time was awesome. I’m still amazed how trees can be so tall. Getting to learn a lot about the lifestyle here – from the stresses of salt erosions on cars to how people use compressed wood pellets to heat their home - has been eye-opening. Here, I’ve experienced so many fascinating opportunities I never would’ve imagined had I stayed in Texas.

 "My most recent event was snowshoeing. I had only been up Paine Mountain once before, had no experience with the snow, and I don’t hike – however, it was a really nice experience. The mountains were beautiful, I met some pretty cool people, and had a fun time with my friends." 

As for college life, I personally like keeping my schedule busy. I start my day at 7 a.m. because I always eat breakfast before my 8 a.m. class. The most important thing professor Neal taught me in biology 101 was just how important breakfast is, so I try to never do without it. I am usually done with classes by noon, grab lunch, and go straight to my work-study. For my work-study, I am an administrator on Handshake, produce graphics for the department, manage the CCR’s Instagram, and am a manager for our organization’s Engage. This means whenever you see an event hosted by CCR on Corq, I’m usually the person who put it there! In between all of this, I also help out students who have any questions, have regular staff meetings, and talk with students during informational events. 

Norwich esports players on computers playing a tournament.
"I have esports practice on Mondays and Wednesdays." 

After my work-study on Tuesdays, I go to Silver Wings where I am the region I public affairs officer. For my job, I take pictures for our chapter-level Instagram and maintain our region-level Instagram as well. In this club we do volunteering events, fundraise for our chapter, and develop leadership skills. To become members, candidates go through a 12-week candidacy that includes a board interview and a national test.

I have esports practice on Mondays and Wednesdays. This semester I was promoted to the Valorant A team; previously I was a member of the B team. Although I am just a sub-in, I enjoy being able to learn from the best while playing the game. I also use this time to relax from my busy days while still being productive.

On days I don’t have practice or SW in the evenings I try to sign up for campus events. My most recent event was snowshoeing. I had only been up Paine Mountain once before, had no experience with the snow, and I don’t hike – however, it was a really nice experience. The mountains were beautiful, I met some pretty cool people, and had a fun time with my friends. Once we made it down the mountain, I signed up for ice fishing. Do I have any experience? No, I don’t even eat fish - but when will I ever come across another opportunity to ice fish for free without a license?

Being a student at Norwich is challenging and may not be for everyone, but I think it’s what you make of it. There are endless opportunities here, so why not try it all?