Faculty Resources & Support

The Center for Career Readiness (CCR) provides career education and support for our undergraduate population in the following areas, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing, career exploration and planning, networking, graduate school planning, job and internship search, personal branding, offer negotiation, and so much more.

A cadet in a white uniform sits across from an officer in a green uniform in a cluttered office, engaged in conversation. The officer is seated behind a desk with papers, books, and computer monitors, while the cadet listens attentively.

We greatly appreciate our wonderful faculty partners and love to collaborate with you for the success of our students. We have a myriad of free resources that are aimed at helping not only our students but our faculty in the classroom and the advising process. Below is our toolkit for advising and support for our faculty colleagues. We want to support you so please reach out with any questions or recommendations for how we can support you better.

How can you help us? If you are already including career readiness in your classes or supporting career-related initiatives such as guest speakers, resume writing, mock interviews, career exploration, or hosting any recruiting events, we want to know about it and support you in any way we can. Our team seeks to track what majors are and are not receiving career readiness.

Data Requests

Are you looking for specific career-related data for grant applications or departmental accreditation? Start with our first destination outcomes report. The CCR collects responses from our senior class every year. The first destination graduate student survey should be sent to December graduates. We encourage all faculty who are in contact with seniors or teaching a senior seminar class to help us gather this data. If you need specific data related to your department or major, contact us at careers@norwich.edu.


The Handshake Resource Library is full of great resources, tools, assessments, and tutorials. We broke these into different subject areas for ease of use. Specifically, we wanted to highlight these excellent tools:

  • Focus2 online assessment for students exploring career paths that may align with their interests.
  • Big Interview online platform assists students with interview preparation.
  • Resume and cover letter samples for class assignments and mock interview feedback.
  • Events includes virtual Norwich career-related events along with off-campus virtual events.
  • Resume Rubrics for grading a resume writing assignment in your class.


We currently have 17 courses available for internship credit. If your department would like to develop an internship course for credit, please contact Associate Director of Academic Internships, Jim Graves at jgraves1@norwich.edu for guidance and support. Learn more in the internships section of Handshake resource library.

Don't Cancel Class Program

A staff member from our office is available to talk to your students about a career-specific topic. We collaborate with many faculty on career readiness and education. Contact us at the beginning of the semester or during the summer, if possible, and we will be happy to schedule a visit to your class. 

Submit a request through the career presentation request form.

Employer Relations & Support

Connect with students through our on-campus recruiting initiatives. We host four on-campus career fairs each year. Learn about our employer recruiting events and register to recruit on-campus.

View our list of on-campus and external employer in-person and virtual events.

Follow Us

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to learn more about what the CCR is doing for our students and employer partners.


Mailing Address

Center for Career Readiness
158 Harmon Drive
Northfield, VT 05663

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Walk-in and by appointment