Now that you have discovered your interests and gained some transferrable skills, it is time to put it all together! Developing your personal brand is important to creating an impactful resume and delivering a memorable interview. Think about how you have created value for organizations you have worked for and projects you have worked on. Be prepared to articulate your results, outcomes and accomplishments using quantifiable data where possible!

Click to Access Career Resources on Handshake


Your resume may get your foot in the door, but your interview gets you the job! Anyone can write your resume for you but only YOU can do your own interview. The employer wants to see how you fit in with the company culture and how you interact with other people in the company. We have a variety of resources that will help you navigate the interview process and help you to ace that interview!

Big Interview is a FREE online interview platform that allows you to practice in the comfort and privacy of your own room/home! It walks you through different types of interviews, questions, and allows you to record your answers and send them to the CCR or a professor for review (optional)! There is a video curriculum on salary negotiation, resume writing, and First 90 Days on the Job. To learn how you can access Big Interview, view our resource article here on our career portal, Handshake.

When you login be sure to click Getting Started for a virtual tour! 

Cover Letters

Why are you interested in working at company A? What drew you to apply? What do you bring to the table?

   Sample 1
   Sample 2
   Sample 3

Cover letters are often read by the hiring manager, and they are the decision makers so you want to make sure it is written well and tailored specifically to them! Generic cover letters don’t cut it. Expand on a couple of your most relevant accomplishments. The goal is to get the interview!

Build Your Brand

Have you ever landed a job with the help of someone you know? If yes, then you know it works! If no, you will quickly learn that your network is one of the best ways to get your foot in the door! Who doesn’t hate the word networking? Instead, we invite you to think of this as building genuine relationships to make it feel less daunting. Here are some ways you can connect with Norwich Alumni.

On campus events such as Homecoming, Colby Symposium, Career Fairs, Todd Lectures are additional events that alumni frequent.

LinkedIn is a professional networking social media platform that can connect you with millions of people! Connect with the people you know and go from there! Identify key decision makers at companies or search alumni on the Norwich University page! If you choose to reach out to them, make sure to craft a personal message telling them how you found them and why you would like to connect with them. Build the relationship thoughtfully rather than just asking for help getting a job or internship.

  • Make a great first impression by building an eye-catching and robust LinkedIn profile. It is helpful to have a polished resume prior to building your profile and we’d be happy to meet with you to work on this.
  • LinkedIn knows students like you might not know all of the capabilities of this site, so they have put together brief tutorials just for you!