Norwich Civil Engineering Students in the Field

Civil Engineering

Your purpose-driven mindset is a perfect fit for Norwich—study how to improve communities and enhance lives through the study of civil engineering. Our faculty will take you on a challenging and rewarding journey to learn how to plan, design, build, and maintain systems we rely on in both the built and in the natural world—from dams, tunnels, skyscrapers, and suspension bridges to airports, the interstate highway system, water delivery and purification systems, and irrigation systems. 


If you are considering Norwich University’s Civil Engineering program, you will be preparing your future at the first private school in the United States to teach civil engineering—a 200-year legacy of fostering creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and awareness of the environmental impact of this work.

Upon graduation, employers will appreciate your depth of understanding of various engineering challenges: altering natural geography to meet human needs, the importance of public health and safety, or how to strengthen and evolve infrastructure to prepare for future challenges. 


Our faculty trains you to meet challenges with a logical and consistent progression. You learn the principles of the design process in the first courses and continually re-emphasize them in later coursework. During your first two years, you will master the fundamental mathematical and scientific principles essential for engineering analysis and design. The final two years will ground your understanding of five major civil engineering sub-disciplines: water resources, structural, environmental, geotechnical, and construction. 


Optimize your time spent in the laboratory sections to reinforce lecture topics and explore your potential through investigation and analysis.  
Your design experience culminates in your senior year as you explore your potential with a major design project.  

And take the opportunity to build your portfolio through other major-related activities and organizations, including student chapters of:

  • American Society of Civil Engineers
  • Chi Epsilon, Tau Beta Pi
  • Society of American Military Engineers


To set yourself apart, consider joining one of the Leadership Academies, developed using our bedrock Leadership Development System with an experiential learning approach for those interested in joining either the private sector or government workforce to serve our country. These academies focus upon pathway opportunities for tuition assistance, fellowships, and internship programs.


While you are finishing your degree consider enrolling in one of our Accelerated Master's Pathways where you can apply your upper-level undergraduate courses and training into graduate credit and finish within 12-18 months after graduation online.


Whether you choose to work for a private engineering firm, construction firm, government agency, industry, or the military, there will be many areas of opportunity for you. As U.S. infrastructure becomes more fragile and complex, the need for Norwich graduates like you -- innovative problem solvers with engineering expertise -- continues to grow at a rapid pace.

Accreditations - David Crawford School of Engineering

New England Commission of Higher Education


Norwich University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), known formerly as the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. (NEASC).

Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology


Civil Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET,  under the General Criteria and the Civil Engineering Program Criteria.

Construction Management is accredited by the ANSAC Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Construction Management Program Criteria.

Electrical and Computer Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Program Criteria.

Interdisciplinary Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the commission’s General Criteria.

Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the EAC Accreditation Commission(s) of ABET, under the General Criteria and the Mechanical Engineering Program Criteria.

Goals, Outcomes & Details

To view additional program details for programs such as course offerings, requirements, and curriculum maps for the civil engineering course offerings and a curriculum map, visit the Norwich University Course Catalog using these links.


Our Faculty

Image of Michael Cross

Michael Cross


  • Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Assistant Professor
Image of R. Danner Friend

R. Danner Friend


  • Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Professor
Dr. Kulkarni in Class A Uniform, Associate Provost for Research

Tara Kulkarni


  • Associate Provost for Research
  • Chief Research Officer
  • Associate Professor

William F. Lyons


  • Professor of Practice
  • Academic Director, Strategic Studies
  • Co-Director, Center for Global Resilience and Security
John E. Patterson

John E. Patterson


  • Associate Professor
  • Program Coordinator, Construction Management
Image of Karen Supan

Karen Supan


  • Associate Professor
  • Director, David Crawford School of Engineering
Moses Tefe

Moses Tefe


  • Associate Professor
  • Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Chair, Construction Management
faculty placeholder - Norwich University Shield TM

Ali Al Bataineh


  • Assistant Professor
  • Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence

Next Steps: The Admissions Process

  1. Here To Help

    We're here to help you along the way.

    We are thrilled that you are considering Norwich and have a team dedicated to help you through every step. College is challenging and fun, applying should be as simple as possible. Reach out to your admissions counselor whenever you have questions or need help!

  1. Apply Now

    Complete an application online using either the Norwich app or the Common app.

    Norwich Application

    Start your application using our in-house form.

    Norwich Application

    Common App

    Already have a Common App account? Click below to apply to Norwich in minutes.

    Common App

  1. Visit Campus

    From seasonal open houses to leadership training weekends and summer camps, Norwich offers personalized events for you to get the full Norwich experience.

    • Learn about our academic programs from renowned faculty
    • Discover admissions and financial aid options
    • Enjoy a complimentary brunch in the dining hall
    • Discuss athletics opportunities with Norwich coaches
    • Tour the campus and talk with current students about life at Norwich University

    Schedule a campus visit to meet students and see Norwich in action. 

You've been accepted to Norwich University. Congratulations, you are on your way to being part of an exclusive tradition and forging your own path within our noble history of service. 

  1. Scholarships

    Upon acceptance, you’ll receive a comprehensive letter that includes the merit-based scholarships you qualify for based on your GPA.

  1. Federal Student Aid App

    To be considered for additional aid, you must complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). By completing the free application you'll learn if you are eligible for grants, scholarships, work-study programs, or loans for college or career school.

    Note: FAFSA will open on or before December 1st, 2024 per the U.S. Department of Education.

  1. Review Your Financial Aid Package

    We’re here to help you every step of the way. Your admissions counselor is just a phone call, email, or text away. Schedule a personal consultation to review your complete financial aid package together. Contact your admissions counselor at any time throughout the process.

  1. Secure Your Spot

    Ready to exceed expectations and defy limits? Secure your spot at Norwich with a non-refundable enrollment deposit.

    Submit your enrollment deposit

  1. Stress-free Arrival

    Once you're accepted, you'll begin Norwich's unique Start Ready process to help you complete intake paperwork and prepare you for a stress-free campus arrival. 

    Check out the Start Ready Checklist for details.